Monday, 12 April 2010

Finding Users

Meetifyr has been out in the wild for just under two months and I think we have a product that, although basic, is genuinely useful to some people.  Traffic to the site is beginning to form a regular pattern, to start with we were seeing big spikes as we got listed and reviewed on various Web App sites but now we're seeing people specifically come to the site to use it for its intended purpose rather than curiosity or because its a shiny new thing.  

It would be great to see traffic grow at 5x per month but our philosophy for this project is to "build something awesome and they will come", admittedly we're a long way from awesome, maybe marginally useful, but one step at a time right?

We've toyed with the idea of using Google Ad Words to bring in some users but I'm not sure that's the right approach.  We're in no huge rush to get big fast, hosting on Google App Engine is free up to a quite generous limit and I don't think it is worth paying to chase new users until you can be completely sure you have something that they'll actually find useful and want to use.  Would you agree?