Wednesday, 29 September 2010

New Feature | Individual Day Selection

Previously in Meetifyr you selected a date range within which to meet then narrowed it down by which days of the week you'd like to try and meet on.  This was fine when you wanted to meet "on a weekend in the next 4 weeks" or "a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday sometime next month" but not so great when only specific days in specific weeks are good i.e. "on Monday or Tuesday this week or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday next week".

So today we've introduced a new feature which allows you to show or hide any specific day within the available date range.  Its incredibility simple to use, just click the << link in the top right-hand corner of an available date to hide it or click the >> link at the top of a hidden date to make it available again, what could be simpler!

Speed Improvements

We've been very busy behind the scenes of Meetifyr making changes to how events are stored.  The reason for these changes was to give us more flexibility in how events are structured so that we can move forward with features we know users are waiting for. 

One fortunate side effect of the changes is that there's a noticeable speed increase across the site due to us making better use of Google App Engine's data storage, which can only be a good thing!

So with that work behind us we can continue adding features and strive to make Meetifyr the easiest way for friends to arrange a meetup.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

New Help Page

We've added  a new help page to Meetifyr today, it's basically a quick start guide to setting up an event.  Meetifyr is still pretty simple so as you can image the guide is quite short!

We've also made a few subtle changes to the main calendar page, the Free/Busy selectors now fill more of thier cells which we hope will break up the white space and make it easier to see what's happening at a glance.